
August 20
Intro to the class
Overview of the syllabus
August 22
Due Today:
Read through the website and the detailed descriptions of the assignments

Class Discussion:
Introductions and discussion of favorite games.
August 24
Class Discussion:
Continued introductions and discussion of favorite games if needed.

Class Lecture:
Overview of the readings.

Complete the class survey by Saturday, August 25th at 11:00pm. The link to the survey has been emailed to everyone enrolled in the class. If you have not received the link, please email me as soon as possible.

Gameplay and Theory
August 27
Due Today:

Create a blog account (if you don’t already have one),  Create your class blog and send your blog name and URL to my email.

Read Franz Kafka’s “Before the Law”

Play the game adaptation of “Before the Law”
Be sure to get both endings.

Post to your blog your playthrough of the “Before the Law” and how it relates to the original Kafka short story. Comment on both endings to the game and how they relate to the core message of the original text.
August 29
Due Today:

Read “A Selection from Existentialism and Human Emotions” by Jean Paul Sartre

Read “A Selection from Jean Paul Sartre’s “Nausea”

Post your thoughts on how Existentialism can aid in a reading of both “Before the Law” the short story and the game.
August 31
Due Today:

 Watch Extra Credits' "Mechanics as Metaphor" Part 1 and Part 2

Class Discussion:
Bring in* an example of a game where the gameplay becomes part of the overall message of the game.

*Note: you do not have to write/bring in anything tangible. If I call on you, however, you should have an example ready, so be prepared to speak.

The Player/Developer Dynamic
September 3
Labor Day Holiday
September 5
Class Lecture:
Brief overview of expectations on an academic paper.
Overview of academic conferences and presentations.
Brief discussion of recording software and resources.
September 7
Due Today:

Read “Panopticism” from Michel Foucault’s “Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison”

Play through The Stanley Parable

Post to your blog how Foucault can be used to can aid in a reading The Stanley Parable

Minimum Post: Link Foucault to The Stanley Parable and interpret/analyze the game.

Bonus Post: Post on a link between Foucault, The Stanley Parable and a third work of your choosing (a class reading, a favorite game, a reading from another class, etc.) to your blog and interpret /analyze the game.

Think about the ways in which Foucault, Sartre, de Saussure and even Kafka play into this mod. What does the mod say about the nature of games and the relationship between the gamer, the developer(s) and the game itself?

Classwork Link:

Games As Art
September 10
Due By Class Today:

Read “Video Games Can Never Be Art” by Roger Ebert

Watch the accompanying videos to Ebert’s work found at the bottom of the above link.

Read “Who Framed Roger Ebert?” by Rich Stanton

Post to your blog your position on the debate. Do you agree with Ebert? Stanton? Can you come up with examples of games you consider ‘art’? Can you defend the games that Ebert attacks? Can you poke holes in Stanton's reply?

Classwork Link: 
Why Ebert is Wrong: In Defense of Video Games 
by Robert Brockway: Word Puncher
September 12
Due By Class Today:

Play through these three ‘One Play’ games:

You Only Live Once
This game uses the ‘one play’ style, but for comedic effect.

One Chance
Can you save the world? You only get one chance. A drama using the ‘one play’ style.

(Why is) Johnny in an Art Game?:
A response to ‘One Chance’ and games like it.

Read “Fun is a Four Letter Word” by Warren Spector

Post to your blog an analysis of the gameplay of all three games and how they speak to gaming as a whole. Are the ‘one play’ games fun?

Minimum Post: Discuss how effective the ‘one play’ method is for the narratives of these games.

Bonus Post: Be honest! Did you try to get around the ‘one play’ mechanic? Why or why not? Did you look for playthroughs online to see the other routes you could have taken? Does that destroy the author’s intent?
September 14
Due By Class Today:

Read “Death of the Author” by Roland Barthes

Post to your blog an answer to this question: Does a video game have an ‘author’? Discuss authorship in games and what criteria a game’s staff has to meet for there to be an ‘author’ or a group of ‘authors’. If you can, discuss a game developer (person or group) that you would consider an ‘author’.

Games as Art Continued and Rough Drafting Presentation
September 17
Due By Class Today:

Bring to class your rough ideas on your class project.

In Class Activity: Peer reviews

If you have not started researching, playing, etc, think about the questions you have coming into the project. Ask yourself: what research do I anticipate doing and why?
September 19
Due By Class Today:

Watch “Double Fine Adventure! // Ron Gilbert's Words of Wisdom to Tim Schafer [FULL 35 MINUTES]” located here:

Post to your blog a response to this video.

Minimum Post: Pick a topic that Shafer and Gilbert discussed and answer to their assertions. Do you agree with them and why?

Bonus Post: 
Play Host Master and the Conquest of Humor

This is a tribute to the old point-and-click games that, according to the class survey I gave at the beginning of the semester, most of you do not play.
Give your analysis of the game. First, discuss how often you play this genre and give examples of games in the point-and-click adventure genre you have played. Then discuss your thoughts as you play through the game, i.e. give a text-based Let's Play of the game describing your navigating the puzzles. Discuss frustrations, triumphs and even if you had to use a walkthrough.Finally, link your experience to the Shafer/Gilbert video. What did the two say that reinforces your playthrough of  Host Master and the Conquest of Humor? What did they say that contradicts it?

Note: This is a rather involved bonus post and will be worth double more than the normal extra credit; the minimum post will be worth 10 and the bonus will bring the total to 20.
September 21
Due By Class Today:

Find and Read James Paul Gee’s “Video Games and Embodiment” in the journal Games and Culture (volume 3, number 3-4, July 2008).

Once you have read Gee’s article, look through Games and Culture and pick one more article that seems interesting to you. Read it thoroughly and be prepared to discuss/describe it to your classmates.

Post your notes on these articles.

Note: part of this assignment is testing your ability to use the UCF online library at If you live off campus make sure that you know how to log in to the library to gain access to the database of journals.

September 24
Due By Class Today:

Find and read a chapter from the Video Game Theory Reader in the UCF online library. Pick a chapter that seems interesting to you. Read it thoroughly and be prepared to discuss/describe it to your classmates.

Note: part of this assignment is testing your ability to use the UCF online library at If you live off campus make sure that you know how to log in to the library to gain access to the database of online texts.
September 26
Due By Class Today:

Analyzing Design Documents

Play La MollenIndustria’s Oiligarchy located here: 

Read the ‘PostMortem’ on Oiligarchy located here: 

Note: there are several endings, but for class you only need to get one. The ‘better’ endings are very difficult to get. If you are curious about them there is a description of them in the postmortem.

Post your analysis of the game itself and the postmortem.

Minimum Post: How effective is Oiligarchy in making you ‘play the bad guy’ in order to articulate the game’s message? How does the difficulty in obtaining the multiple endings help/hurt the game?

Bonus Post: Play ‘The McDonald’s Game’ – an earlier game by the same team – located here: 
From what you know about Oiligarchy, how effective is The McDonald's Game? Which is more effective? Why?
September 28
Due By Class Today:

Find three articles and one game that can help you with your final project.

Post to your blog your notes on your research.

Gender and Sexuality
October  1
Due By Class Today:

Read Beauty (Re)Discovers the Male Body by Susan Bordo located here:

Watch “No Redeeming Value” by Extra Credits located here: *

Post a response to your blog.

Minimum Post: Think about the biases that Bordo discusses in her work: gender roles, presentation of gender in the media, race, etc.

Also, question if EC’s take on God of War III in “No Redeeming Value” is a valid one. Is it fair to be that harsh on this game for bad storytelling?

Bonus Post:
Watch one of the two following videos:

1. “Learning from Other M”, also by Extra Credits, located here: *

The videos here demonstrate two key problems: badly written female characters and an erasure of gaming history by the new wave of games theorists.

Incorporate one of these videos into your response post. What is the fascination with Lara Croft? Why has Samus and for that matter so many other strong female characters not become as popular or given the same respect?

*Be advised that Extra Credits episodes run about 10 minutes long each.
October  3
Due By Class Today:

Watch the first part of “Tough Guise” located here:

You are welcome to watch the whole thing, but be advised that it is an hour and a half long.

Watch the following episodes from Extra Credits:

Watch “True Female Characters” by Extra Credits located here:

Post a response to these videos. How do you feel gender is portrayed in gaming? Can you give examples of games where gender is handled “properly”?
October  5
Due By Class Today:

Read the chapter from Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights  by Kenji Yoshino located here:

Watch “Sexual Diversity” by Extra Credits located here:

Play “A Closed World” located here:
It should take you about an hour. Thanks to Kathryn Dunlap for the suggestion.

Post a response.
The relevant videos have dried up a bit, haven’t they? Yes, despite sites like  doing their best, LGBT issues in games are rarely addressed in a forum that reaches past their own borders.

Let’s start here: how many gay video game characters can you list? Now, how many of those characters do you know are gay simply because romancing them is an option (i.e. Leliana from Dragon Age: Origins). How about transsexual characters? Transsexual characters that do not exist solely for comedic effect?

How about in media other than video games? What does this say for LGBT issues as a whole?

IMPORTANT: Sign up for a Convergence Culture chapter for next week’s classes.

Convergence Culture
October  8
Due By Class Today:

IMPORTANT: Turn in your abstract for your papers in response to the email ‘Call for Papers’.  You will not have a scheduled presentation time without completing this assignment. This abstract is due by midnight. No late work will be accepted.

Read Mr. Jenkins Goes to Washington located here:

Watch Videos on YouTube of the Hearings themselves.

Post the video(s) you find and your reaction to the hearings.

It’s obvious that congress had a low opinion of gamer culture, but what do we think? How much has changed in the past few year in how the mainstream media treats gaming and gamers?
October  10
Due By Class Today:

Look at the Jennifer Hepler controversy starting with the summary at Blistered Thumbs located here:

To be fair, let’s look at both sides of this controversy.

Look at this community-made summary on people’s objections to Helper:

Watch this video about the reaction to Hepler’s comments

Post an analysis to the reputation that the gamer community has in relation to the Hepler controversy.

Obviously it is difficult to pin down exactly why this situation has blown up as much as it has, but what qualities of the gaming community have cause this and other instances like this?
October  12
Due By Class Today:

Read the chapter of Jenkin’s “Convergence Culture” that you signed up for.

Post your summaries/analysis to your blogs.

We will illustrate and discuss the chapters using the class whiteboards.

Create and bring in a simple illustration that you can contribute to your whiteboard and a brief summary of the chapter’s argument and usefulness. 

October  15
Due By Class Today:

Read “Earth at my Window”  from Takashi Murikami’s “Little Boy” located here:
The file size is big to accommodate the high resolution images. Be sure to download the file to view it as it will display weird in a browser if it displays at all. Also, it may seem long (at 51 pages) but much of it is images and half of it is the original Japanese text.

Watch Murikami’s “Superflat Monogram”, a video he did for Louis Vuitton, located here:

Post a response to Murikami’s assertions. How does this inform your understanding of Japanese video games? Can you see this becoming a trend in Western cultures?
October  17
Superflat Special Guest Lecture by Kathryn Dunlap

Due By Class Today:

Read “The Animalization of Otaku Culture” located here:

Note: you have to be on campus to read items in the Project Muse database so download the file while on campus and email yourself a copy.

UPDATE: Because we have been having issues with the library this semester, here is an alternate link to the chapter:

Read up on and Play “Katawa Shoujo” located here:
The game is very long and so you do not have to play through the entire thing for today. Play enough that you are introduced to all of the characters and have a feel for the gameplay and narrative style.

It should take you about an hour. Thanks to Kathryn Dunlap for the suggestion.

Note: If you only play Western games this is probably very different then what you are used to. Be advised: this is a ‘dating sim’ with some adult themes.
October  19
Due By Class Today:

Play through “Time Fcuk” located here;

If you are feeling frustrated a video walkthrough is located here:

Keep in mind: the walkthrough does not let you experience the act of getting stuck which in vital to the atmosphere of this game. You will not experience the various dialogues (monologues?) in the communications display while watching the walkthrough.

Read the article on Time Fcuk over at located here:
Also, pick one of the tropes listed for Time Fcuk and read its article. How many other items in the media have that trope? How do they use it? How does it compare to that trope’s use in Time Fcuk.

So, given all that we have read this semester is Time Fcuk Superflat or does it have a deeper meaning? How much meaning does something have to have for it to be ‘deep’?

Keep in mind the TVTropes defense of tropes: Tropes are Tools

Post an answer to these question: Is Time Fcuk Superflat? Is Superflat a concept that has spread to the West?

Trans- and Post-Humanism
October  22
Due By Class Today:

Read the excerpt from Francis Fukiyama’s Our Post Human Future located here:

Read Walter Jon Williams’ “Daddy’s World” located here:

Bonus Post: Give your reaction(s) to the readings in context of game design and the readings/issues we have raised in class so far. Use at least one other reading from the semester in your response.
October  24
Due By Class Today:

To give you a scope for how much technology might infiltrate our lives, let’s take a look at Jesse Schell’s ‘Design Outside the Box’.

Watch his original presentation here:

I am having you watch this for two reasons:

1) Schell is, to be polite about it, a less-than-professional public speaker. He serves as an example of what not to do when public speaking (stuttering, overuse of ‘um’, etc).

2) After our readings for Monday and throughout the semester (especially the plight of Jamie in “Daddy’s World” and the theoretical frameworks of Foucault), Schell’s conclusion at the very end of how the infiltration of technology into the real world might make us better people is problematic at best and at worse quite horrifying.

Read some of the reactions collected here:

Bonus Post: Describe which reaction(s) you chose to read and what your own reactions are. Do you believe Schell’s predictions? Are you optimistic/pessimistic? Incorporate some of our other readings from throughout the semester in your analysis.

NOTE: I will be presenting at the Texts and Technologies Monthly Graduate Colloquium tonight from 6:00pm to 7:15pm in the Graduate Student Center Presentation Room on the first floor of Colburn Hall. If you wish to see another example of an academic conference, feel free to attend. Just be sure to dress and act professionally.
October  26
Due By Class Today:

Play The Binding of Isaac DEMO located here:

Note: scenes in The Binding of Isaac might be disturbing. You do not have to play through to the end, but do play long enough to get a handle on the gameplay mechanic.

Bonus Post: Give your analysis of the game in the context of our semester-long look at game design/theory. Is it Superflat? Transhuman? Panoptic? Existential? Use at least two readings from the semester in your analysis.
Class Lecture:

Overview of presentation expectations and turn-in options.

Due By Class Today:

Read Chapter 1 of Ian Bogost’s Unit Operations located here:

Read “Simulation versus Narrative: Introduction to Ludology” by Gonzalo Frasca located here:

Bonus Post: Do you think that games can be analyzed by dividing them into their parts like this? Why or why not?
Due By Class Today:

Play Slender version 0.9.4 located here:
The copy provided has three modes unlocked; please play all modes, including regular, daytime, and $20 mode.

Read up on the origins of Slenderman, Victor Surge's post on the Something Awful forums, and the spread of the legend here:

Watch some of the Marble Hornets series. Start at the beginning and watch as much as you can:

And finally, watch the fan-made video that inspired $20 Mode:

Bonus Post: Much of what we have read this semester can help to explain this game and the phenomenon it is part of. Using at least two readings from the semester, describe your reactions while playing Slender and how the mythos does or does not affect the gameplay.
Mock Conference
Due By Class Today:
In-Class Peer Review
Bring your rough materials for in-class peer review.
Meet up with your presentation groups to go over your presentations.

Due By Class Today:
In-Class Peer Review
Bring your rough materials for in-class peer review.
Meet up with your presentation groups to go over your presentations.

Presentations Begin.
Come prepared to each day with the conference worksheet located here:

Today’s Presentations:

Old Methods, New Media

"Silent Hill Confidential: Silent Hill 2 as Noir"
Zachary L.

"Fallout III Pastiche"
Jenn M.

"History Redux in the Civilization Series"
Charmayne K.

Veteran's Day: No School
Today’s Presentations:
Sports and RPGs
“’The Role Playing Athlete’: The Effects of the RPG on Sporting Games”
Danny V.
“Level Six Human Running Back: Madden as a Role Playing Game
Ryan S.

Narrative and Player Choice

Metal Gear Solid’s Anti-War Message”
Zia H.
Today’s Presentations:
Environmental Horrors
“The Environments of Silent Hill
Lacie H.
Stalker and Atmosphere”
Travis D.

"Metal Gear Solid's Anti-Technology Message"
Walter O.

Today’s Presentations:
Environmental Stories and Character
“Building Your World a Block at a Time in Minecraft”
Cliff E.
“The Worlds of Psychonauts”
Kevin H.
"Link's Hero's Journey"
Andrew A.
Thanksgiving Holiday:
Virtual Class
Activity TBA
Thanksgiving Holiday: No School

Today’s Presentations:
Stats and (Social) Consequences
“Pokemon and Children”
Joslyn R.
“Cooperative Gameplay”
Michael H.

“’This is it, isn’t it?’: Commander Shepard’s Leap into Ambiguity, Hallucination, and Community Uproar”
Nick S.
Today’s Presentations:
Old Genres Revisited
XCOM: From UFO Defense to Enemy Unknown
Justin B.
“Revisiting the Tactical RPG”
Aaron J.
“Reimaging Kingdom Under Fire
Thomas H.
Today’s Presentations:
“What Makes an ESport?”
Lee A.
League of Legends in the Media”
Michael C.
December 3
Final Paper is Due in class today.
Schedule a day/time to pick up your graded portfolio and have final conferences (optional).

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